I think a lot of people face the same prob that I am facing now..
especially those who are in rebellious period, its common
I had it already, but still will face the same thing even I have reached the age of 20 -- hard to communicate with our moms
There are a lot of things that trigger us to argue with our moms
I don't know why, its getting harder and harder to communicate with my mom
I don't like people to force me, yet she kept on asking me to do this, and do that
Its very annoying, I know wat I need to do but she kept on telling me what to do
This is no longer a home to me actually, her irresponsible action and favouratism has really pissed me off
She loves the boys more than us, she asked us to do more chores than the boys do ( juz because they don't stay with her )
Its juz so hard to accept it as a daughter, so HARD...
I want to live my life, what is 'for your own good' ?? It is juz an excuse they use to release their control freak
Thats what I feel actually ( dunno whether I ll do the same thing to my future children?? He he...we wouldn't know...)
Hmm, its not easy to be a daughter, somehow I would like myself to be a guy rather than lady...><
Many of my friends said so too....hahaha
What ever, its very hard to communicate to someone that has judged you for being bad...
Damn HARD....